
WordPress How to buy and stake Hector Dao

Before you start you will need:

  • Binance account
  • Metamask wallet

Add Binance Smart Chain to your MetaMask wallet

Add Fantom Opera Network to your MetaMask wallet

Add BNB coin to your Fantom Opera Network on MetaMask

Get some FTM for fees

Buy BNB in Binance and set your MetaMask on Binance Smart Chain Network

Send BNB via BEP-20 from Binance to your Metamask Binance Smart Chain wallet

Bridge BNB from Smart Chain to Fantom Opera Network

Buy Hector Dai

Stake Hector Dai

Hector Dao calculator

  1. Add Binance Smart Chain to your MetaMask wallet

Go to Settings/Networks click on Add Network and use the following data

Network Name: Smart Chain


ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

Save your network.

  1. Add Fantom Opera Network to your MetaMask wallet

You can try to automatically add Fantom Opera Network. 


Connect your MetaMask wallet with spookyswap, and approve adding a Fantom Opera Network in your Metamask.


You can manually add Fantom Opera Network to your MetaMask like you did with Binance Smart Chain.

Go to Settings/Networks click on Add Network and use the following data

Network Name: Fantom Opera


ChainID: 250

Symbol: FTM

Block Explorer URL:

  1. Add BNB (Smart Chain – BEP20) coin to your Fantom Opera Network on MetaMask

Go to

In the coin search box type bnb

Click + sign next to the BNB on the coin list

Approve BNB coin in your MetaMask wallet.

You can also add the BNB coin to your Metamask manually.

In your MetaMask wallet click on Import tokens

Contract address: 0xd67de0e0a0fd7b15dc8348bb9be742f3c5850454

Decimals: 18

  1. Get some FTM for fees

Fantom Opera Network uses FTM for fees, so in order to buy HEC you will need to buy some FTM first. For your first purchase you will also need FTM for fees, and you can get some free FTM at

Join the server.

Click on the ftm-faucet tab

Type: !faucet

When you see the Faucet dripped message click on the ftm-bot-commands tab and type: !withdraw your wallet address

  1. Buy BNB in Binance and send it to your MetaMask on Binance Smart Chain Network using the Smart Chain (BEP20)
  1. Bridge BNB from Smart Chain to Fantom Opera Network

When you receive BNB  in your MetaMask Smart Chain wallet, go to and bridge (send) BNB from Smart Chain to Fantom Opera network.

Choose the amount of BNB (usually is max), click  Bridge token, and approve bridging in your wallet.

  1. Buy Hector

When you receive BNB tokens on your Fantom Opera Network, go to, be sure that your MetaMask is on Fantom Opera Network and then buy Hector Dao. You can buy it with your BNB tokens, or you can first swap your BNB tokens for DAI and then with DAI tokens buy HEC. Approve actions in your MetaMask wallet.

If the HEC token does not show up on the token list when you try to swap token for HEC, in a token search box paste HEC address: 0x5C4FDfc5233f935f20D2aDbA572F770c2E377Ab0

  1. Stake Hector

After you receive HEC tokens in your Fantom Opera wallet

go to 

be sure that your MetaMask is on the Fantom Opera Network and then connect your MetaMask wallet

Approve connection in your MetaMask wallet

Approve staking

Stake and enjoy! 🙂

If you want to calculate your profit, you can use Hector Dao calculator

Hector Dao calculator

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